Benefits of Massage

Massage is used to locate areas of muscular stress and tension

Treat areas and patterns of muscular stress and tensions

Maintain the horse's working ability and sub sequential performance

Increase range of motion and flexibility

Stop and prevent any psychological distress resulting from any of the above

  • Horse Massage

    Assessment and treatment £50

    For the first treament please allow atleast 90min as I will need to see your horse moving, tack and do a full body assessment.

    Stretches are done at the end of each treament to ensure your horse gets the full benefit of the massage.

  • Horse & Rider Massage

    Assessment and treatment £80

    I'm a fully qualified and insured Level 3 sports massage therapist. I am trained in detecting muscle weaknesses and imbalances.

    The massage treatment can take place in your own home in your own time.

    We often transfer our own tension on to our horse, which can create muscle tension and referred stress in our equine partner. With a horse and rider package we can tackle both issues and ensure you both perform at your best.

  • Will My Horse Enjoy It?

    Yes, most horses love their massage. The horse's personal signs of pleasure from massage are visible signs such as deeper breathing, sleepiness, lowering of the neck and head, yawning, licking, chewing and closing of eyelids.

    When the horse experiences release from tension or pain, the horse will often lean or stretch into the therapists massage application.